Kamis, 06 September 2007

How to open blocked site

Let's see...
my school block www.friendster.com for "student"
but i really-really need to open my account now...
how to??

no problem....
just open http://anonymouse.org
and then just type http://www.friendster.com there..
maybe you'll get a bit lag...
but nvm...i can surf to www.friendster.com now !!!
he he he...

Change your windows to Genuine

Download this file http://indoupload.net/files/2324/genuine.rar

first :
openkeyfinder.exe (some antivirus may detect this file as virus but it's ok ^^ )

second :
click Option -> Change windows key

third :
open xp key.txt
and then just choose one of them

last :
open Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostic Tool.exe
If it said "Genuine"....congratz..you got the genuine windows
If it said "Status Invalid/BLK" then you must try it again

Minggu, 02 September 2007

Download From YouTube.com

1. Go to YouTube.com
2. Choose your video
3. Copy the video url
4. Open a new browser. Go to http://keepvid.com
5. Paste the link...clik drop down menu and choose Youtube.
6. Click download
7. Wait and then.Save Target As or copy link to Download Manager. Remmember to change the file to *.flv.
8. Make sure that you already got FLV media player or VLC media player

Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2007

Faster FireFox on lan computer

1). Buka Browser Mozilla Firefox…
2). Pada Address Bar Ketik : ABOUT:CONFIG
3). Cari string di bawah ini : ( pastikan semua srting dibawah "TRUE")
contoh menggantingnya :
NETWORK.HTTP.PIPELINING FALSE ==> klik kanan dan pilih "Toggle"
4). buat srting baru caranya : Klik Kiri 1X Dimana Saja, Klik Kanan NEW>>INTEGER
6). Kemudian REFRESH atau Tekan F5
7). Pada Address Bar Ketik : ABOUT:BLANK
. Klik Menu:
Untuk OS Linux ( Vector ) EDIT >> PREFERENCES
Untuk Setting yang berbeda di beberapa OS EDIT >>ADVANCED
9). Pada Option :
ALLOW WEB SITES TO INSTALL SOFTWARE Beri Tanda Check Box Untuk mengaktifkan
10).Kemudian Tekan OK Lalu REFRESH ( F5 )
11).Masuk Ke Link Ini :
atau :
12).Download Software SwitchProxy Tool Versi 1.3.4
13).Setelah Selesai Jangan Tekan Tombol UPDATE
14).Klik Tanda X (tutup)Yang Ada Di Pojok Kanan Atas Dari POP UP Window Yang Muncul
15).Tutup Semua Browser Mozilla FireFox,
16).Kemudian Buka Lagi Untuk Mengaktifkan Software SwitchProxy Tool Versi 1.3.4 Yang sudah di Install Tadi
17).Kalo Instalasi Sukses, Akan Muncul Toolbar tambahan Di Bawah Toolbar Navigasi &Address Bar.
18). Sekarang Browser Mozilla Siap Untuk Digunakan……

credit goes to : Coding-Girl

Jumat, 24 Agustus 2007

Name on your Taskbar

Start --> control panel --> regional and language Options --> Cuztomize --> tab to "Time"

setting :
Time format = h:mm:ss tt
Time separator = :
AM symbol = JKR
PM symbol = JKR
press OK

look at your taskbar... ^^

Fake GM (Ragnarok)

here we go again with "Fake GM" (Client Side)

Pertama tama :
1. Anda harus mengetahui GID anda atau biasa disebut juga di bot sbg CharID
2. Buka clientinfo.xml anda dr data.grf dengan menggunakan grf extractor.
3. Buka clientinfo nya dengan notepad
4. Masukan GID anda dalam List GM GID yang ada.
Dimana 7142662 adalah GID saya.
5. Pada folder Ro buatkan sebuah folder bernama "Data" (tanpa tanda "")
6. Copy file clientinfo.xml yang sudah diedit ke folder Data lalu rename jadi xclientinfo.xml
7. Buat shorcut dari ragexe ke desktop
8. Lalu pada ragexe yang di desktop pilih properties -> target : tambahkan attribut -1rag1 /account:xclientinfo.xml
contohnya : "D:\Program Files\Gravity\Ragexe.exe" -1rag1 /account:xclientinfo.xml
9. Jalankan ragexe yang sudah diedit
*Client Side mean only on your computer..not inject to the server

Speed up your browser

start -> run -> gpedit.msc -> Local Computer Policy-->Computer Configuration-->
Administrative Templates-->Network-->QOS Packet Scheduler-->
Limit Reservable Bandwidth

double click limit Reservable Bandwith -> set to enable -> 0 %

then restart your pc

NB : works on Windows Xp Professional

Flash disk background

changing flash disk background
choose one picture ex: JKR.jpeg (put it inside your flash disk)
now write down



on notepad and save it as "desktop.ini"

and then put this "desktop.ini" inside your flash disk
NB: the .jpg file must be inside the flash disk too

Manual msconfig

This is how to open "msconfig" without "run shortcut"

open notepad and write down

@echo off

save it!!
file extension --> .bat (ex: JKR.bat)
save as type --> all files

now you can open your msconfig without "run"

Save your computer from hacker

Every sites,computers or maybe servers can be hack by hacker
How it works?
They look for a port that opened and they will attack it
The Point is hacker always trick you from your opened port
Why don't we just close our port?
okay...lets start the lesson
say that a port is a door in your house.a visitor can come inside from the door..and you can go outside from that door too.
ex: if your surf to www.chandra-kusuma.com , a port in your computer will open in random and chandra-kusuma server port will opened too
now..like the question...close the port ?
okay...you can close the port but the port is the door..so you can't go outside and a visitor can't go inside
the easiest way is unplug all of your connection cable so you can't go outside and nobody can go inside
or maybe just shutdown your computer

Lesson finnish

School lessons with hacking method

School teach us computer lessons with hacking method is better?
read more

Kamis, 23 Agustus 2007

Bugs on "Buddy Zone"

allintext:"Powered By Buddy Zone"

Setelah mendapat target...
maka dibelakang url ditambahkan ini


maka keluar error seperti ini
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/mydjbe/public_html/classes/news.class.php on line 58

lalu kita tambahkan ini lagi dibelakangnya

seteleh loading2 bntr maka ID dan password admin akan kelihatan ^^

kalo udah dapat yg tinggal buka www.target.com/admin
silahkan login pake yg tadi ^^

happy ending :D